
A relay connection from an object to a list of objects of a particular type. For more details, see: https://relay.dev/graphql/connections.htm

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type OfferConnection {
  • # A list of all of the edges returned in the connection.
  • edges: [OfferEdge!]!
  • # A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience
  • # field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges
  • # { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note
  • # that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on edge to enable
  • # efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node
  • # } }` version should be used instead.
  • items: [Offer!]!
  • # Information to aid in pagination.
  • pageInfo: PageInfo!
  • # A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination.
  • # This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing `5` as the
  • # argument to `first`, then fetch the total count so it could display `5 of 83`,
  • # for example.
  • totalCount: Int!
  • }